The Penetration Effect of Software and Information Technology Services on Agricultural Economic Growth
Liu Chunyang1,2, Liu Jinyi1
1.School of Economics,Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha 410128,China; 2.Research Center of Hunan Agricultural Enterprise Development,Changsha 410128,China
Abstract:Accelerating information technology innovation has been taken as a key engine for sustained economic growth in the post-financial crisis era.Its contribution to Chinese economic growth has reached consensus,but its contribution to agricultural economic growth has not yet been supported by empirical evidence.This paper analyzes the relationship between ICT penetration and agricultural economic growth by using provincial panel data from 2001 to 2016.The study found that:①ICT has a positive penetration effect on agricultural economic growth,but it will show inverted U-shaped changes throughout the industrial life cycle.②Since it was still in the early stages of proliferation before 2007,the penetration effect of ICT on agricultural economic growth was not obvious.Since 2007,it has shown a significant increase trend.However,it is still in the marginal incremental stage on the left of the inverted U-shaped curve now,which is far lower than the best turning point theoretically.It will still provide lasting new impetus for rural revitalization in the longer term.③The penetration effect of ICT on agricultural economic growth in the east and central regions is better than that in the west,because most of the western provinces are still in the initial stage of the diffusion of ICT.
刘纯阳, 刘锦怡. 软件和信息技术服务对农业经济增长的渗透效应[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(4): 94-102.
Liu Chunyang, Liu Jinyi. The Penetration Effect of Software and Information Technology Services on Agricultural Economic Growth. , 2020(4): 94-102.
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