Attacking VS.Following:Pattern Comparisons about How the Chinese Enterprises Apply the Big Data
Wang Nan1,2, Li Tianzhu3, Zhang Wei4
1.College of Economics and Management,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 211106,China; 2.China Academy of Aerospace Electronics Technology,Beijing,100094,China; 3.School of Business Administration,Liaoning University of Science and Technology,Anshan 114051,China; 4.School ofEconomics and Statistics,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou,510006,China
Abstract:Based on the investigation on more than twenty Chinese enterprises,this study explores how the big data is applied by the enterprises on the micro-level.Two patterns are identified to reveal how the enterprises apply the big data,including the attacking pattern and the following pattern.One typical case is selected as the sample in the empirical analysis for each pattern.This study finds out that there are three steps in the enterprise big data application process,consisting of opportunity selection,application strategy decision-making and value realization,and there are significant differences between two application patterns in each step.Based on the empirical study,several theoretical revelations and application suggestions are put forward.
王楠, 李天柱, 张伟. 主动出击与顺势而为:中国企业运用大数据的模式比较[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(4): 111-120.
Wang Nan, Li Tianzhu, Zhang Wei. Attacking VS.Following:Pattern Comparisons about How the Chinese Enterprises Apply the Big Data. , 2020(4): 111-120.
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