A Quantitatively Comparative Study of Quantum Communication Industrial Innovation Policies Between European Union and the United States
Tang Delong1, Ma Xiang1, Liao Siai2, Ding Kun1, Xu Zuosheng2,3
1.Institution of Science of Science and S&T Management and WISE Lab,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China; 2.Institute of S&T management,National Chiao Tung University,Hsinchu 30010,China; 3.Research Center for Technological Innovation,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China
Abstract:Based on the industrial innovation policy tool theory and industrial value chain theory,this paper makes a quantitative comparative analysis of policy texts among Quantum Manifesto,Quantum Technologies Flagship Final Report,Advancing Quantum Information Science:National Challenges And Opportunities,National Strategic Overview For Quantum Information Science,which are respectively issued by the European Union and the United States,to analyze the interaction between government policy and quantum industry market,as well as technology and industry chain.The results show that the European Union is inclined to make use of the supply-side policy tools,mainly through the expansion of public services and the promotion of industrial innovation to obtain financial support.The United States pays more attention to the supply-side policy tools so that takes education and training as important administrative measures to cultivate more interdisciplinary talents to lay the foundation for quantum commercialization.Public policy is the fundamental reason to support the successful realization of technological innovation in Chinese quantum industry.Finally,some implications are put forward for the implementation and improvement of Chinese quantum industrial innovation policies through the comparative analysis of European and American quantum industrial innovation policies.
唐德龙, 马翔, 廖思爱, 丁堃, 徐作圣. 欧美量子通信产业创新政策量化比较研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(4): 160-170.
Tang Delong, Ma Xiang, Liao Siai, Ding Kun, Xu Zuosheng. A Quantitatively Comparative Study of Quantum Communication Industrial Innovation Policies Between European Union and the United States. , 2020(4): 160-170.
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