Influence of the Knowledge Base and Knowledge Integration on Enterprises' Innovation Performance under Different Technology M&A Modes
Wu Jie1, Liu Shasha1, Sheng Yongxiang1, Wang Jiangang1, Liu Peng1, Shi Qinfen2
1. School of Economics and Management,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,Zhenjiang 212003,China; 2. School of Business,Suzhou University of Science and Technology,Suzhou 215009,China
Abstract:Technology M&A is an important way for enterprises to achieve knowledge resource.It is of great significance to study the influence of knowledge base and knowledge integration on innovation performance under different M&A modes.Based on the analysis of the mechanism of enterprise innovation after technology M&A,this paper constructs the enterprise M&A innovation performance model,and explores the influence of knowledge base and knowledge integration on innovation performance.The result shows that:①The dimensions of knowledge base after enterprise technology M&A influence innovation performance:there is a positive relationship between knowledge depth and innovation performance,and an inverted U-shaped relationship between knowledge breadth and innovation performance.②Different M&A modes have different impacts on the knowledge base,which leads to different knowledge integration time adjustment strategies.That is,under the enhanced technology M&A mode,the knowledge depth is increased,increasing knowledge integration time within the threshold can promote innovation performance;under the complementary technology M&A mode,the knowledge breadth is increased,enterprises can reduce knowledge integration time and increase the knowledge application time to improve innovation performance;under the hybrid technology M&A mode,both knowledge breadth and knowledge depth are increased,but knowledge breadth plays a leading role in knowledge integration.Adjusting the knowledge integration time incrementally can improve innovation performance significantly.
吴洁, 刘沙沙, 盛永祥, 王建刚, 刘鹏, 施琴芬. 不同技术并购模式下知识基础和知识整合对企业创新绩效的影响[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(6): 94-102.
Wu Jie, Liu Shasha, Sheng Yongxiang, Wang Jiangang, Liu Peng, Shi Qinfen. Influence of the Knowledge Base and Knowledge Integration on Enterprises' Innovation Performance under Different Technology M&A Modes. , 2020(6): 94-102.
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