Research on Evolution Path and Mechanism of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in High-Tech Zone——Longitudinal Case Study of Qingdao High-Tech Zone from 1992 to 2018
Bian Weijun, Yang Xinyu, Luo Gongli
School of Economics and Management,Qingdao University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266000,China
Abstract:Based on the analysis of the development history of Qingdao High-tech Zone from 1992 to 2018,this paper uses a single-case exploratory research method to study the evolution path of the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem and the mechanism behind it.The research found that:①The evolution path of the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in the high-tech zone can be divided into population formation stage,community formation stage and system formation stage;②The evolution of the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in the high-tech zone is a dynamic accumulation process,and accompanied by the aggregation,integration and coupling of innovation and entrepreneurship resources;③The formation of innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem is essentially third-order emergence from individual capabilities to population capabilities,population capabilities to community capabilities,community capabilities to system capabilities.
边伟军, 杨薪钰, 罗公利. 高新区创新创业生态系统演化路径与机理——青岛高新区1992—2018年纵向案例研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(6): 134-145.
Bian Weijun, Yang Xinyu, Luo Gongli. Research on Evolution Path and Mechanism of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in High-Tech Zone——Longitudinal Case Study of Qingdao High-Tech Zone from 1992 to 2018. , 2020(6): 134-145.
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