Abstract:In order to further optimize Shanghai's science & technology innovation (STI)policy system,the study collects 779 copies of Shanghai's STI policies from 1978 to 2018 and analyzes the evolution characteristics of the policies from three dimensions,which is STI subject,STI policy tool and STI activity field.The result shows that in the dimension of STI subject,enterprises are always the key targets for policy support,and the status of platform and joint innovation is increasingly prominent,but policies to support technology intermediaries are weak.In the policy tool dimension,environmental and supply-oriented tools are the mainstay,and demand-based policy tools are more conservative.In the field of STI activities,high-tech industries and strategic emerging industries are the key support areas,and the policy support for the tertiary industry and cultural innovation industries is gradually increasing.However,the support for high-tech industries focuses on specific industries,while the support for strategic emerging industries is more general.Finally,combining the historical background and the quantitative research results,this paper summarizes the characteristics of the phased evolution of Shanghai's STI policy,and indicates the future research direction.
宋娇娇, 孟溦. 上海科技创新政策演变与启示——基于1978—2018年779份政策文本的分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(7): 14-23.
Song Jiaojiao, Meng Wei. The Evolution and Enlightenment of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Policy ——Based on 779 Policy Texts from 1978 to 2018. , 2020(7): 14-23.
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