Abstract:This paper utilizes panel data of 140 colleges and universities in China from 2010 to 2017 to empirically study the impact of colleges and universities participating in industry-university cooperation on academic innovation performance by the method of system-GMM,as well as the moderating effect of college and university types under different disciplines.The result shows that the influence of industry-university cooperation on academic innovation performance of colleges and universities presents an inverted U-shaped curve,and the types of colleges and universities play a regulatory role.Furthermore,in order to promote the effective establishment of an innovative country,some practice enlightenments and countermeasures are given to the policy-making departments for formulating scientific and reasonable policies in industry-university cooperation.
王成军, 秦素, 胡登峰. 不同高校类型下产学合作对学术创新绩效影响的实证研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(7): 42-51.
Wang Chengjun, Qin Su, Hu Dengfeng. Empirical Research on the Impact of Industry-University Cooperation on Academic Innovation Performance in Different Types of Universities. , 2020(7): 42-51.
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