Measurement and Inspiration of National Laboratory Collaborative Innovation Based on Triple Helix Model
He Xiao1,2, Guo Lina1, Zhou Qun1
1. Library of China Agricultural University, Bejing 100091, China; 2. Consulting Services Department of National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Bejing 100190, China
Abstract:Based on the triple helix model,the collaborative innovation system of the scientific research ecology of the national laboratory is investigated,which provides effective verification and analysis cases for the practice of the triple helix model,and also provides analysis ideas and informatics foundation for the collaborative innovation model of big science projects.Three representative national laboratories of the United States and the state key laboratory clusters of biological sciences of China are selected as the research objects,this paper measure the collaborative innovation of national laboratories in the three-dimensional relationship of government-industry-scientific research institution,and take international collaboration into the quadruple helix model for further analysis.The collaborative innovation mechanism of scientific research institution-government-industry of the national laboratory is basically formed.The innovation entities interact to form a continuous innovation dynamic mechanism by their respective advantages.However,the multi-party collaborative relationship of the state key laboratory clusters of china's biological sciences is relatively loose,and industrial institutions and international institutions collaboration still needs to be further strengthened especially.
何枭, 郭丽娜, 周群. 基于三螺旋模型的国家实验室协同创新测度及启示[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(7): 52-59.
He Xiao, Guo Lina, Zhou Qun. Measurement and Inspiration of National Laboratory Collaborative Innovation Based on Triple Helix Model. , 2020(7): 52-59.
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