Abstract:Based on the historical-geographical materialistic space-time restoration theory and evolutionary economic geography theory,the endogenous and externalities of scientific and technological innovation are integrated into a unified theoretical mechanism,and it is proposed that technological innovation in central cities has a U-shaped effect on urban agglomeration structurae systems.The research examines the impact of technological innovation in central cities on urban agglomeration structure system through non-linear estimation of two-way fixed effects,and innovates the endogenous examination and identification of technological innovation in central cities by using historical dimension tool variables (quantitative data from Chinese historical officials and data on ancient Chinese city walls),and then uses the threshold effect model to explore the structural change points of technological innovation in central cities.The research finds that:First,the technological innovation of the central city has a U-shaped effect on the economic hierarchy of the urban agglomeration,and the technological innovation of the central city has an inverted U-shaped effect on the first place of the urban agglomeration,indicating that the central city has a first change in the structural system of urban agglomeration,that is evolutionary logic from agglomeration to diffusion.Second,there is a U-shaped relationship between the technological innovation of the central city and the urban agglomeration structure system.The threshold range for identifying the change points of the dynamic impact of technological innovation in the central city by the number of invention patent applications is 13,158 invention patent applications.
李洪涛, 王丽丽. 中心城市科技创新对城市群结构体系的影响[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(7): 170-179.
Li Hongtao, Wang Lili. Research on the Impact of Technological Innovation in Central Cities on the Structural System of Urban Agglomeration. , 2020(7): 170-179.
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