Abstract:Based on the framework of standard GTAP model,the paper examines the impact of artificial intelligence on factor income distribution in China.Artificial intelligence is not only reflected in capital-augmenting technical change,but also in the increase of elasticity of substitution between capital and labor.Then,this paper discusses the influence of the deepening,scope and intensity of artificial intelligence on the factor income distribution in China.The result shows that the deepening and breadth of artificial intelligence are the core factors affecting factor income in China.However,the intensity of artificial intelligence,substitution elasticity between unskilled and skilled labors have no significant impact on evolving of factor income.Specifically,worldwide deepening of artificial intelligence is beneficial to China's capital income,but unfavorable to labor income in China.Besides,the deepening of artificial intelligence led by China is beneficial to China's capital and labor income.Furthermore,the deepening of artificial intelligence led by the United States is unfavorable to both capital and labor income in China.In addition,intensity of artificial intelligence and substitution elasticity between unskilled and skilled labors will not significantly affect the distributional impact of artificial intelligence deepening in China.
李霞, 涂涛涛, 雷泽奎. 人工智能与中国要素报酬分配——基于GTAP模型的分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(9): 133-144.
Li Xia, Tu Taotao, Lei Zekui. Artificial Intelligence and Factor Income Distribution in China——An Analysis based on GTAP Model. , 2020(9): 133-144.
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