Sustainability Transition Studies of Socio-Technical Systems:Approaches,Criticisms,Progresses and Reflections
Yao Sui1, Chen Zhuochun2
1. Economics School,Huazhong University of Science & Technology,Wuhan 430074,China; 2. Department of Economics and Management,Wenhua College,Wuhan 430074,China
Abstract:Sustainability transition research appears as a rapidly growing and influential academic field since 1990s.The literature aims to explain how transitions of the unsustainable socio-technical systems unfold and how to govern them.This paper first introduces the frameworks of its four different approaches.Based on the confronted criticisms its newly progresses are classified with five topics in terms of deep mechanism,actors,geographic space,politics and power,and policy analysis of transition.The review shows that remarkable interdisciplinary characteristics make it open and contending.But challenges related to sustainability remain unsolved,calling for continued efforts and reflection.Sustainability transition studies provide meaningful implications to China.Meanwhile it is of theoretical and practical significance to properly bring China into global transition field.
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