Abstract:The rapid development of emerging industries poses challenges to national governance and regulation. How to address these challenges has become an important issue the government faced.Based on the concept of “agile governance”, this paper uses the process-tracking methods to sort out and summarize the development process of Chinas online car-booking industry from 2014 to 2018.This paper holds that under the dynamic cycle of the interaction between enterprise technology and business model innovation, social reality challenges and government regulatory policies, an agile regulatory model characterized by “challenge-response”has been formed, realizing the governments continuous response to emerging industry challenges.The model reflects the dynamic, inclusive and responsive nature of economic supervision on the platform, coordinates the relationship between the government, the market and society, which is an important reference path to promote the agile governance of emerging industries and the modernization of national governance.
王仁和, 李兆辰, 韩天明, 陈玲. 平台经济的敏捷监管模式——以网约车行业为例[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(10): 84-92.
Wang Renhe, Li Zhaochen, Han Tianming, Chen Ling. The Agile Regulatory Model of Platform Economics ——A Case Study of Online Car-Booking Industry. , 2020(10): 84-92.
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