Abstract:Based on the empirical analysis of the impact of servitization of manufacturing on Global Value Chain (GVC)division status in 42 countries from 2000 to 2014, this paper introduces technological innovation to test its mediation effect in the above influence, and further investigates the potential heterogeneity of the relevant influences at the national and industrial levels.The results show that there is a significant “inverted U-shaped” relationship between the servitization of manufacturing and a countrys status in GVC division.Besides, the technological innovation has a non-linear mediation effect in the influence of servitization of manufacturing on a countrys status in GVC division.Furthermore, technological innovations mediation effect is heterogeneous in countries with different levels of economic development.The mediation effect is significant in developed countries, but not significant in developing countries.Meanwhile, technological innovations mediation effect in the impact of servitization of different manufacturing industries also has heterogeneity, among which the mediation effect is the most obvious in the influence of servitization of knowledge-intensive manufacturing industry.
潘安, 郝瑞雪, 王迎. 制造业服务化、技术创新与全球价值链分工地位[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(10): 104-113.
Pan An, Hao Ruixue, Wang Ying. Servitization of Manufacturing, Technological Innovation and Division Status in Global Value Chain. , 2020(10): 104-113.
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