Research on the Improvement Path of Enterprise Innovation Output in the Public-Private Technological Innovation Network ——A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Fuzzy Sets Based on American Manufacturing Innovation Network
Zhou Guichuan, Luo Wenxue, He Yahui, Zhang Liming
Business School of Sichuan University, Chengdu 610000, China
Abstract:This paper takes 16 companies in 8 case projects of American manufacturing innovation network as samples, applies the qualitative comparative analysis of fuzzy sets to integrate 6 conditional variables of enterprise innovation resources, public sectors innovation input and innovation network scale, and explores the complex causal mechanism between them and enterprise innovation output in the public-private technological innovation network(PPTIN).The study found four routes that can help increase the innovation output of enterprises, and further summarized them as follows.① For large enterprises, the lack of innovation resources can be made up by public sectors investment in PPTIN and knowledge sharing among members, thereby increasing their innovation output;② For small enterprise, they are more suitable to participate in smaller PPTIN to overcome the internal resource dissipation caused by the lack of trust.At the same time, increasing the intensity of their R&D investment is the key to their high innovation output.
周贵川, 罗文雪, 何亚惠, 张黎明. 公私合作技术创新网络中企业创新产出提升路径——基于美国制造业创新网络的模糊集定性比较分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(10): 179-188.
Zhou Guichuan, Luo Wenxue, He Yahui, Zhang Liming. Research on the Improvement Path of Enterprise Innovation Output in the Public-Private Technological Innovation Network ——A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Fuzzy Sets Based on American Manufacturing Innovation Network. , 2020(10): 179-188.
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