Abstract:Based on the structural effects and from the perspective of forward linkages,this paper conducts research on the matching and docking of GAD,WIOD,SEA,UN Comtrade,China Statistical Yearbook,China Industry Economy Statistical Yearbook,China Statistical Yearbook on Science and Technology,etc.from the product and industry level,focusing on the impact of trade barriers represented by anti-dumping on the domestic output servitization of China's manufacturing and the foreign output servitization of China's manufacturing.The results of the research imply the followings.①From the overall“aggregation effect”level,trade barriers can“force”the increase in the output servitization level of China's manufacturing to a certain extent,but this increase has a structural effect,that is,trade barriers can promote the domestic output servitization level of the manufacturing and inhibit the foreign output servitization level of the manufacturing.②Enhancing the input servitization level of manufacturing in the context of trade frictions will help increase the output servitization level of manufacturing.At the same time,foreign direct investment,industry scale,management efficiency and openness will also have a significant impact on the output servitization level of manufacturing.③The input servitization level and output servitization level of China's manufacturing are both low,but the output servitization level is higher than the input servitization level,and the foreign output servitization level of manufacturing is higher than the domestic output servitization level of manufacturing.It indicates that China's manufacturing industry belongs to“export-oriented”manufacturing industry from the perspective of“output servitization”.
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