Negative Emissions Technologies to Address Climate Change:Economic Assessment Issues and China’s Response
Shen Weiping1 , Chen Ying2
1. Graduate School,University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 102488,China; 2. Institute for Ecological Civilization,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100028,China
Abstract:To achieve the temperature control targets of the Paris Agreement,almost all emission pathways rely on the large-scale application of Negative Emission Technologies(NETs)with varying degrees.NETs are not only related to global climate governance and ecological security,but also may become a new field of technological competition in the future.From the perspective of climate-change economics,this paper analyzes the concepts of NETs,Carbon Dioxide Removal(CDR),and Nature-based Solutions CDR(NbS CDR).It mainly focuses on the basic framework of NETs and the strategic economic analysis,including the cost-benefit assessment of NETs,as well as the different economic attributes of negative emission strategies,mitigation and adaptation.In addition,it proposes the insights of a climate change Integrated Assessment Model(IAM)that includes NETs from the perspective of cooperating with climate change and sustainable development goals.Then,it puts forward some suggestions for China to cope with negative emission issues in global climate governance and the construction of ecological civilization.
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