Abstract:What kind of work is more easily replaced by artificial intelligence is a question that has attracted much attention during the development of artificial intelligence.Because different positions have different job requirements and industry characteristics,there are also differences in the ease of replacement by artificial intelligence technology.In general,simple and repetitive programmatic work has lower replacement costs and is easier to be replaced;High-value-added industries have higher replacement benefits and are easier to be replaced.The article summarizes the types of jobs that will and will not be replaced by artificial intelligence,and the characteristics of these jobs.From the perspective of the replacement process of artificial intelligence for different positions,the speed and scale of artificial intelligence replacing traditional positions ultimately depend on the development speed of artificial intelligence itself,the increase of labor costs,and the degree to which artificial intelligence can improve the benefits of different positions.In addition,artificial intelligence will intensify the polarization of the future labor market in the process of replacing traditional jobs.
周文, 耿元. 人工智能发展更容易替代哪些工作岗位?[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(11): 171-179.
Zhou Wen, Geng Yuan. What Kind of Jobs are More Easily Replaced By Artificial Intelligence. , 2020(11): 171-179.
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