Abstract:Institutions play a key role in service ecosystem and are the focus of service ecosystem research.However,the existing research does not open the black box of the role of institutions in service ecosystem.Based on the institutional theory,integrated service-dominant logic and ecosystem research perspective,this paper constructs four important institutional mechanisms of service ecosystem through literature review and theoretical deduction:service ecosystem formation mechanism based on initial institutions,service ecosystem operation mechanism based on sharing institutions,the participant conflict mechanism based on external stimulus and the institutionalized working mechanism in the service ecosystem.Combining the institutional mechanism with the development stage of the service ecosystem,the paper established the integration model of service ecosystem and provides a reference for the study and practice of the institutions of the service ecosystem.
辛本禄, 刘燕琪. 基于制度作用机制的服务生态系统整合模型研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(1): 136-146.
Xin Benlu, Liu Yanqi. Research on Service Ecosystem Integration Model Based on Institutional Mechanism. , 2021(1): 136-146.
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