Work Stress and Job Burnout Among Chinese R&D Personnel——the Moderating Effects of Job Autonomy
Shi Changhui1, Wang Zhuoni2, Zhao Yandong3
1. Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development,Beijing 100038,China; 2. China Meteorological Administration Training Center,Beijing 100081,China; 3. Department of Sociology,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China
Abstract:This study uses the national-level questionnaire survey data to analyze the relationship between work stress,job autonomy and job burnout.The results reveal that work stress is significantly and positively related to three dimensions of job burnout,with higher correlations with emotional exhaustion and cynicism,and lower correlation with reduced personal accomplishment.Job autonomy is related to three dimensions of job burnout negatively.Job autonomy has a significantly weak moderating effect on the influence of work stress on emotional exhaustion and cynicism.There is a significantly enhanced moderating effect on the influence of work stress on reduced personal accomplishment.Based on the research findings,the relevant theoretical implications and application values are discussed.
石长慧, 王卓妮, 赵延东. 研发人员工作压力与工作倦怠的关系——工作自主的调节作用[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(2): 132-140.
Shi Changhui, Wang Zhuoni, Zhao Yandong. Work Stress and Job Burnout Among Chinese R&D Personnel——the Moderating Effects of Job Autonomy. , 2021(2): 132-140.
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