Abstract:In this paper,the provincial panel data of China from 2003 to 2018 are selected,and the influence of technological innovation input,output,diffusion and environment on industrial structure optimization is tested by systematic GMM and panel threshold model.The empirical results show the followings.Firstly,there are differences in the impact of national technical innovation investment and environmental on the industry structure optimization,the output and diffusion of technological innovation will promote industrial structure optimization,industrial structure optimization effect of regional technology innovation level will present great differences due to the different regional development.Secondly,the level of technological innovation has a significant threshold effect on the optimization of industrial structure.Regional research expenditure promotes the optimization of industrial structure under the dual threshold.The number of technical personnel in enterprises and public institutions between 130000 and 680000 will hinder the optimization of industrial structure,otherwise,it is conducive to the optimization of industrial structure;If the number of patents is lower than the threshold value of 5.38 million,it is not conducive to the optimization of industrial structure;Technical value of 21569 million yuan will hinder the optimization of industrial structure;When the education expenditure is higher than 103 billion yuan, the industrial structure will be optimized;Per capita GDP higher than 23000 yuan will hinder the optimization of industrial structure.
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