Abstract:Firstly,we use the artificial intelligence (AI)patent data (2010—2020)provided by Derwent Innovations Index.Secondly,AI technology innovation network knowledge map was drawn by the software CiteSpace.Thirdly,AI innovation key path and important nodes were identified.Fourthly,the most potential innovation subjects and important innovation subjects in the field of AI in China are analyzed.The conclusions are as follows.①There are 4 characteristics of evolution in AI key path in 2010—2020.②There are 15 the keynote enterprises/scientific research institutions on AI technology innovation.③The most potential innovation subjects of AI in China include 10 enterprises such as Huawei,and 15 scientific institutes such as Sun Yat-Sen University,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Southeast University and Shenzhen University.④20 AI innovation sectors in China include 10 enterprises such as Tencent,and 10 scientific research institutions such as University of Electronic Science and technology.
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