The Relationship Between Government Investment in Science and Technology, R&D Personnel Scale and Output of Basic Research in Universities——Threshold Regression Analysis Based on Provincial Panel Data
Zhang Baosheng1, Wang Tianlin1, Wang Xiaohong2
1. School of Management,Harbin Normal University,Harbin 150025; 2. School of Management,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin,150001
Abstract:Colleges and universities are the important carriers of basic research.Based on the Hansen panel threshold model,taking the intensity of government scientific research input and per capita government investment in science and technology as threshold variables,based on 2010—2017 provincial panel data,it discusses the nonlinear relationship between government science and technology funding and R&D personnel scale on university basic research output.The results are as follows.Both of them have double threshold effect on the output of basic research.The intensity of government input is in the medium range which is the optimal promotion range.Only when the per capita fund reaches a certain level,can the promotion effect of R&D personnel scale on basic research be brought into full play.Resource allocation and optimization structure are more important than pure pursuit of investment.On the whole,China is in the situation of medium and high government investment in scientific research and insufficient per capita funds,so there is room for optimization in the allocation of scientific research resources.
张宝生, 王天琳, 王晓红. 政府科技经费投入、研发规模与高校基础研究科研产出的关系——基于省际面板数据的门槛回归分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(4): 55-63.
Zhang Baosheng, Wang Tianlin, Wang Xiaohong. The Relationship Between Government Investment in Science and Technology, R&D Personnel Scale and Output of Basic Research in Universities——Threshold Regression Analysis Based on Provincial Panel Data. , 2021(4): 55-63.
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