Multi-Case Study on the Operation Mechanism of New Research and Development Institutions Based on the Perspective of Dual Innovation Theory
Ma Wencong1,2, Fan Mingming1,2, Zhang Guangyu1,2, Yang Shiwei1,2, Chen Xiude1,2
1. School of Management,Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou 510520,China; 2. Research Center of Innovation Theory and Innovation Management,Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou 510520,China
Abstract:Based on the perspective of dual innovation theory,with 12 new R&D institutions as the research object,a multi-case study method is used to explore the differences in the operating mechanism of new R&D institutions and its internal causes.Based on the classification of new R&D institutions,a theoretical modle with the type of new R&D institutions as an independent variable and operating mechanism as dependent variable is constructed through theoretical analysis.The finding is that different types of new R&D institutes have different operational mechanisms,and the main reason for the difference is that the nature and motivation of the new R&D institutions are different.Private enterprise and private non-enterprise R&D institutions tend to solve the problems of technology transformation and product innovation in the field of private goods,and adopt utilization innovation.Public service new R&D institutions tend to solve the problems of knowledge application and technological R&D in the field of public goods,and adopt exploratory innovation in innovation mode.The research conclusion expands the theory of the operation mechanism of new R&D institutions,and can also provide reference for the construction and development of new R&D institutions in the future.
马文聪, 范明明, 张光宇, 杨诗炜, 陈修德. 双元创新理论视角下新型研发机构运行机制的多案例研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(4): 64-74.
Ma Wencong, Fan Mingming, Zhang Guangyu, Yang Shiwei, Chen Xiude. Multi-Case Study on the Operation Mechanism of New Research and Development Institutions Based on the Perspective of Dual Innovation Theory. , 2021(4): 64-74.
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