Abstract:Artificial intelligence technology in the field of patent invention creation is a kind of bionic algorithmic program,which imitates human intelligence through its own cognitive computing system,so that the system has the ability to think innovatively like human beings to carry out invention creation activities.In the process of invention and creation,artificial intelligence may involve the implementation of others' patents in order to meet the needs of technical functions,and may also generate inventions that are not substantially different from others' patents,leading to the potential risk of infringement of others' patents.Although the patent infringement in the process of artificial intelligence invention and creation presents the characteristics of multi-agent and multi-step of divided infringement,it seems that there are legal obstacles to apply direct infringement or indirect infringement rules to determine the infringement,but in essence,it directly infringes the interests of the patentee.It is suggested to introduce the control and command rule as a supplement to the full coverage principle to become an important basis for the determination of patent infringement in artificial intelligence invention and creation.It determines that an actual infringer is liable for direct patent infringement by judging whether an independent infringer controls or directs other subjects between the parties.In the era of weak artificial intelligence,artificial intelligence is not completely separated from the control of human subjects,and from the perspective of safeguarding the safety of technological development,it is best solution for the owner of artificial intelligence to bear the liability of patent infringement.
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