Abstract:Global climate governance has entered a stage of great power game represented by China, the United States and the European Union.China's role is gradually changing from a participant and a contributor to a leader.China's strategic goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060 will surely accelerate the development of technological ecological innovation, and low-carbon and zero-carbon industries will usher in good development opportunities.In this regard, it is recommended to formulate a scientific and feasible carbon neutral implementation roadmap, and strengthen indicators and measures in the 14th Five-Year Plan and medium and long-term plan;build a complete technological ecological innovation structure system;research and improve science and technology laws and regulations and supporting policies as soon as possible;strengthen international cooperation in science and technology innovation to jointly tackle climate change.
胡志坚, 刘如, 陈志. 中国 “碳中和”承诺下技术生态化发展战略思考[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(5): 14-20.
Hu Zhijian, Liu Ru, Chen Zhi. Strategic Thinking on the Ecological Development of Technology Under China's “Carbon Neutrality”Commitment. , 2021(5): 14-20.
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