Abstract:The research on the driving factors of servitization is a hot topic in recent years.The research recognizes that servitization is an innovation of business model, which will bring changes to the organizational structure of enterprises.However, the existing research ignores the role of product and technology innovation in the implementation of servitization strategy.Based on the large sample data obtained from two nationwide questionnaires on industrial manufacturing enterprises in 2012 and 2019, this paper analyzes the driving force of servitization, and puts three groups of variables including product, technology and organizational innovation into the same framework for empirical testing.Although the test results of the two years are slightly different, it can be considered that technological innovation is the leading driving force for servitization on the whole, which is particularly obvious in some specific service industry sectors.However, the influence of organizational change in the servitization strategy of enterprises has not been fully verified in many industry sectors.
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