How Does the Working Hours Affect the Physical and Mental Health of Scientific and Technological Workers——An Empirical Analysis Based on the Survey in Beijing
Zhang Juanjuan1,2, He Guangxi1, Xue Shu1
1. Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development, Beijing 100086, China; 2. School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100086, China
Abstract:Based on data from the 2017 National Survey on the status of science and technology workers in Beijing, the article analyzes the effect of working hours on the physical and mental health status of science and technology workers.As a widespread phenomenon among science and technology workers, overtime work has a significant negative influence on their physical and mental health (negative effects from high to low are work overtime at weekends > long overtime in working days > working days generally overtime), meanwhile, the negative influence exists group differences among science and technology workers in different gender and unit types.The results of KHB mediating effect decomposition show that the negative effects of long working hours on physical and mental health not only play a role through direct pathways, but also through indirect pathways.In order to reduce the possible sample selection error, the method of Predisposition Value Matching (PSM)is used to obtain the robustness test results of the negative impact of overtime work on the physical and mental health of science and technology workers.Finally, the article puts forward some suggestions on reducing the working hours of science and technology workers, improving their physical and mental health from the aspects of reducing non-research work, strengthening exercise, and increasing the physical and mental health tests.
张娟娟, 何光喜, 薛姝. 工作时长如何影响科技工作者的身心健康——基于北京市调查数据的实证分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(5): 147-155.
Zhang Juanjuan, He Guangxi, Xue Shu. How Does the Working Hours Affect the Physical and Mental Health of Scientific and Technological Workers——An Empirical Analysis Based on the Survey in Beijing. , 2021(5): 147-155.
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