How the Reform of Science and Technology System Affects Income Distribution——Research on the Income Status and Influencing Factors of Professional and Technical Personnel
Fu Lianfeng
School of Humanities,Henan University of Science and Technology,Luoyang,471000,China
Abstract:The market-oriented science and technology system reform has multiple effects on the income distribution of professional and technical personnel.The influence of marketization variables on the income level is mainly reflected in the income advantage of the eastern region compared to the central and western regions,and the income advantage of participants in business activities compared to non-participants,but the enterprise unit has only a weak income advantage compared to the government institutions.Marketization failed to significantly improve the rate of economic return of human capital for professional and technical personnel at the regional and organizational levels,but it significantly affected the rate of return of human capital through business activities at the individual level.The marketization at the regional level does not significantly affect the return on income of management positions.The return on income of management positions in state-owned/collective enterprises at the organizational level has increased to a certain extent.The business activities at the individual level has partially reduced the economic return from administrative power factors.
付连峰. 科技体制改革如何影响收入分配——专业技术人员的收入状况与影响因素[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(6): 129-138.
Fu Lianfeng. How the Reform of Science and Technology System Affects Income Distribution——Research on the Income Status and Influencing Factors of Professional and Technical Personnel. , 2021(6): 129-138.
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