Enterprise Technology for Social Good:A Literature Review and Prospects
Li Xinrong1, Mao Yijun2, Lei Jiasu1
1. School of Economic and Management,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China; 2. Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development,Beijing 100038,China
Abstract:The research and practice of enterprise strategic management pay more and more attention to the phenomenon of technology for social good,but the research on its conceptual connotation and related categories is still in its infancy.Technology for social good refers to that enterprises take the initiative to develop and use responsible innovation to solve social problems on the premise of meeting their own needs for survival and development,and realize their commercial value creation and social value creation in the process of seeking the welfare and sustainable development of human society.On the basis of sorting out relevant concepts,this paper aims to put forward the definition of enterprise technology for social good.The characteristics and connotation are clarified,the theoretical foundations are explored,and the antecedents and consequences are discussed.Furthermore,the future research directions are summarized.This paper intends to facilitate understanding of enterprise technology for social good for future research in this field.
李欣融, 毛义君, 雷家骕. 企业科技向善:研究述评与展望[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(7): 115-124.
Li Xinrong, Mao Yijun, Lei Jiasu. Enterprise Technology for Social Good:A Literature Review and Prospects. , 2021(7): 115-124.
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