Abstract:Based on the cross-sectional data of 16 countries in 2018,using software Ucinet 6 and social network analysis method,this paper studies the topological structure characteristics of arms trade network,and the influencing factors of arms trade network are empirically investigated by QAP analysis method,which provides empirical evidence for the analysis of international military science and technology transfer and technology regulation.The main findings are as follows.The Western camp led by the United States dominates the global arms trade network;In the field of cutting-edge military science and technology,both China and Russia are subject to severe Western military technology export control;Arms trade is mainly significantly and positively affected by economic scale and political relations,especially by economic scale.Based on this,the paper puts forward some suggestions,such as enhancing political mutual trust and improving military trade relations with western countries,especially the United States;strengthening the back-to-back military scientific and technological cooperation between China and Russia;striving to develop the domestic economy,and eliminating the political differences among countries through the economic reciprocal relations in trade.
张煜. 军事科技的国际转移与管制分析——来自军火贸易网络的证据[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(7): 179-188.
Zhang Yu. Analysis of International Transfer and Regulation of Military Science and Technology Evidence from Arms Trade Network. , 2021(7): 179-188.
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