Review on Star Inventors:Connotation,Classification and Measurement
Sun Yutao1,2, Zhang Ying1,2
1. School of Economics and Management,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China; 2. Research Center for S&T Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Industrial Transformation,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China
Abstract:As high-quality scientific and technological talents,star inventors are scarce resources for enterprises.This paper focuses on the research of star inventors that are quietly emerging,and sorts out the connotation,classification and measurement of star inventors through literature review.First,this paper reviews the evolution of the connotation of star inventors.From the early emphasis on the performance of inventors,it turns to focus on its influence,and further explores the connotation of star inventors based on different characteristics.Second,the relevant research on the classification of star inventors is combed from the perspectives of output and influence to deepen the understanding of the heterogeneity within the group of star inventors.Third,based on the result attributes and relationship attributes,the measurement indicators and standards of star inventors are analyzed.Then it points out the characteristics and deficiencies of each type of measurement.After that,it attempts to put forward a more scientific and reasonable way of measurement.Finally,it summarizes the shortcomings of existing researches in terms of connotation,classification and measurement,and provides the direction for future research design.
孙玉涛, 张瑛. “明星发明人”研究评述:内涵、分类与测量[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(8): 157-167.
Sun Yutao, Zhang Ying. Review on Star Inventors:Connotation,Classification and Measurement. , 2021(8): 157-167.
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