Abstract:Cyberspace has undergone a change from de-sovereignty to re-sovereignty,which is driven by multiple subjects to promote its international rulemaking process.Driven by the power-oriented interest demands,the international rules of cyberspace have revealed the ideological gap of ideas among state and non-state behaviors,as well as the resource competition and the interest collision among states.However,with the recognition of the principle of sovereignty in cyberspace,the emergence of soft law norms,and the positive actions by non-state institutions,the international community is gradually reaching the consensus in these fields,and it is possible to coordinate international rules of cyberspace.China is actively participating in the formation of international rules of cyberspace.In the future,it should promote the further optimization,clarification and practice of basic principled consensus,and propose a Chinese plan that not only takes into accout the interests of its own country and the common interests of the international community,as well as speaks for the developing countries on the network.
王佳宜. 从分歧到共识:网络空间国际规则制定及中国因应[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(8): 168-177.
Wang Jiayi. From Disagreement to Consensus:International Rule-Making for Cyberspace and China's Response. , 2021(8): 168-177.
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