Abstract:This paper uses CiteSpace to make a visual analysis of 3620 journal papers in the database of Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)from 1956 to 2019.The results show that the amount of artificial intelligence (AI)research in the field is growing exponentially.The United States leads AI research.China ranks second in the number of articles published,but its academic influence needs to be improved.The core research institutions are mainly universities in developed countries,and there is a lack of cooperation and communication among research groups.There is no overlap between highly productive authors and highly cited authors.Driven by AI technology,relevant researches have shown strong fluctuation characteristics,and have experienced the early stage with expert system as the core industry application research stage,medium stage of social science problems based on artificial neural network prediction,and the diversification of contemporary on the basis of the deep learning research stage,the new requirements,new problems and new technology are the three big driving forces.Burst keywords indicate that big data and the Internet are the current research frontier and may become an important development direction of AI research in the field of social science in the future.
张少杰, 李娜. 国际社会科学领域人工智能研究演进与前沿[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(8): 178-188.
Zhang Shaojie, Li Na. Evolution and Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence Research in the Field of International Social Science. , 2021(8): 178-188.
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