The Entrepreneurial Development of University Spin-Off Company Based on the Perspective of Social Capital —A Case Study of IFLYTEK
Fan Tian1,2 , Fan Chunliang1,2
1. Institutes of Science and Development,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China; 2. School of Public Policy and Management,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China
Abstract:This paper studies the developing process of university spin-off company from the perspective of social capital,aiming at the research question of “How does social capital promote the development of university spin-off company in the field of artificial intelligence”.The research takes IFLYtek,a representative university spin-off company in the field of artificial intelligence,as the research object,and adopts the method of single case study to conduct in-depth and detailed evolution analysis of its entrepreneurial development process,discussing the specific role and mechanism of social capital in the development of university spin-off company in terms of structural dimension,relational dimension and cognitive dimension,and providing references for the development of university spin-off company in China.
樊天, 樊春良. 社会资本视角下大学衍生企业的创业发展—对科大讯飞的案例研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(9): 62-70.
Fan Tian, Fan Chunliang. The Entrepreneurial Development of University Spin-Off Company Based on the Perspective of Social Capital —A Case Study of IFLYTEK. , 2021(9): 62-70.
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