Influence Factors of University Technology Transfer Performance from the Perspective of University Spin-Off
Chen Qiang1, Zhao Yiqing1, Chang Xuhua2
1. School of Economics and Management,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China; 2. Shanghai International College of Intellectual Property,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China
Abstract:University spin-off is an important manifestations of university technology transfer performance.This paper studies the influencing factors of university technology transfer performance from the perspective of university spin-off,which can provide theoretical basis for promoting university technology transfer.Through panel data and multiple linear regression model,spin-off data of 40 universities is used to verify the research hypothesis.The results show that the large scale of research and development personnel in universities does not promote the increase of the number of spin-offs.The increased investment in science and technology can promote the increase in the number of university spin-offs,especially the second and third level spin-offs,and at the same time enhance the diffusion effect of university spin-offs,especially the first to third level and the second to third level spin-offs.Technology transfer agencies independent from universities can accelerate the birth of university spin-offs,change their diffusion structure,and make the overall pace of the establishment of spin-offs move forward to a higher level.The royalty rate and equity rate of the teacher respectively have significant negative and positive influence on the number of university spin-offs.A higher invention disclosure rate promotes the increase of the number of university spin-offs to some extent.
陈强, 赵一青, 常旭华. 衍生企业视角的高校技术转移绩效影响因素研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(9): 71-81.
Chen Qiang, Zhao Yiqing, Chang Xuhua. Influence Factors of University Technology Transfer Performance from the Perspective of University Spin-Off. , 2021(9): 71-81.
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