Research on the Income Increasing Effect of Taobao Village in Poverty-Stricken Area —An Empirical Analysis Based on County Data in Four Provinces from 2005 to 2018
Liu Weilin1,2, He Guangxi1, Liu Dongmei1
1. Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development,Beijing 100038,China; 2. Postdoctoral research workstation,Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development,Beijing 100038,China
Abstract:Taobao village in poverty-stricken areas is a typical product of e-commerce poverty alleviation in the new era and new background,but its income-increasing effect remains to be verified.This article selects county-level panel data from Hebei,Hubei,Jiangxi,and Henan from 2005 to 2018,and uses multi-period double difference method and composite control method to investigate the impact of Taobao villages in poor areas on farmers' income and the heterogeneous of income-increase effect.The results show that Taobao village in poverty-stricken areas can increase the per capita income of local farmers by approximately 6.4%,and the effect of increasing income is regionally heterogeneous.Taobao village in poverty-stricken areas mainly achieves farmers' income increase by promoting regional economic growth,improving the level of fiscal revenue in county areas,and increasing capital accumulation.This means that the income-increasing effect of Taobao villages in poverty-stricken areas should be brought into full play,and precise policies should be implemented according to the situation and the people,so that more farmers in poverty-stricken areas can take advantage of e-commerce to participate more actively and effectively in market activities and increase farmers' income.
刘玮琳, 何光喜, 刘冬梅. 贫困地区淘宝村的增收效应—基于2005—2018年四省份县域数据的实证研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(9): 116-125.
Liu Weilin, He Guangxi, Liu Dongmei. Research on the Income Increasing Effect of Taobao Village in Poverty-Stricken Area —An Empirical Analysis Based on County Data in Four Provinces from 2005 to 2018. , 2021(9): 116-125.
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