Abstract:Based on the flow of PhD graduates from “double first-class”universities in eastern China to western universities,this paper uses qualitative research methods to expounds and analyzes how they plan,practice,reshape their mobile individual's career,life and other cognitive logic in different field environments before entering the workplace,in the workplace and in their future career vision.It is found that the career planning of young teacher will be influenced by both the talent policy and the individual's internal capital.In the practice of entering the workplace,due to various difficulties in the flow of production,the flow will embed more instability.But it will also make it look for solutions to dilemmas in the future workplace remodeling in order to achieve the purpose of flow plasticity reproduction.In view of this,this paper puts forward some suggestions on talent policy,talent service and talent flow from the perspective of talent management in western universities.
赵梦雷. 规划·实践·重塑:中国 “青椒”博士流向西部高校的认知逻辑[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(10): 124-130.
Zhao Menglei. Planning,Practicing and Remodeling:A Cognitive Logic Study on Movement Track of Young Teacher Flowing to Western Universities in China. , 2021(10): 124-130.
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