Abstract:With the wide application of artificial intelligence and robot technology in the field of production and service,the technology upgrading of materialized robot has a profound impact on the labor market.Based on the perspective of labor structure,this paper selects the panel data of China's provincial robots and labor employment from 2012 to 2018,and uses the spatial panel model to evaluate the impact of artificial intelligence on labor market employment.The results show that the application of robots significantly reduces the employment demand of labor force,and this effect has obvious spatial spillover under the background of cross regional population flow in China.The labor employment substitution effect caused by robot application has significant structural characteristics,which is more obvious in the middle and low skilled groups.There are significant regional differences in the effect of artificial intelligence on labor employment structure.This study provides empirical support for the government to increase the investment in vocational skills training and education for low skilled groups,and also provides enlightenment for the government to formulate differentiated artificial intelligence industrial policies.
张美莎, 曾钰桐, 冯涛. 人工智能对就业需求的影响:基于劳动力结构视角[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(12): 125-133.
Zhang Meisha, Zeng Yutong, Feng Tao. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment Demand: Based on the Perspective of Labor Structure. , 2021(12): 125-133.
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