A Comparative Study of High-Level Basic Research Talents Between China and the United States ——Based on Data Analysis of ESI Highly Cited Scientists
Wang Chao1,2, Ma Ming1,3, Xu Haiyun4, Wu Huawei5, Zhu Shiwei1,2, Yu Junfeng1,2
1. Qilu University of Technology Shandong Academy of Sciences,Jinan 250014,China; 2. Information Research Institute of Shandong Academy of Sciences,Jinan 250014,China; 3. Institute of Science and Technology for Development of Shandong,Jinan 250014,China; 4. Business School,Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255000,China; 5. Archives of Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,China
Abstract:At present,the basic research capabilities and output of China's science and technology are still important shortcomings that need to be made up,and innovative talents,especially high-level basic research talents,are the main force to promote original innovation and strengthen basic research.First of all,this article takes ESI highly cited scientists as representatives of high-level basic research talents,and selects Chinese and American scientists in the list of ESI highly cited scientists from 2014 to 2019 as the research objects.Secondly,this article analyzes the differences between China and the United States by comparing the spatial distribution of talents,subject areas,and affiliated institutions.Then,this article further obtains the high-level basic research results of talents in China and the United States,and conducts comparative research in terms of the number of results,funding sources and influence,and basic research cooperation.Finally,through comparative analysis,this article summarizes the comparative results and gives corresponding suggestions in order to provide valuable references for the training,introduction,management and formulation of talent policies of our country's high-level basic research talents.
王超, 马铭, 许海云, 武华维, 朱世伟, 于俊凤. 中美高水平基础研究人才对比研究——基于ESI高被引科学家数据分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(12): 169-181.
Wang Chao, Ma Ming, Xu Haiyun, Wu Huawei, Zhu Shiwei, Yu Junfeng. A Comparative Study of High-Level Basic Research Talents Between China and the United States ——Based on Data Analysis of ESI Highly Cited Scientists. , 2021(12): 169-181.
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