Abstract:China is currently moving from a major pharmaceutical country towards a pharmaceutical powerhouse.In this period,it has become a significant issue to encourage drug innovation and the generic drugs production,so as to form a large joint governance of drug patents.The new Chinese Patent Law has established an early settlement mechanism for drug patent disputes,and also a drug patent validity period compensation system as a supporting system for the drug patent linkage system.This fully reflects the value orientation of the system:to ensure the balance of interests among innovative pharmaceutical companies,generic pharmaceutical companies and the public,as well as the value orientation to improve efficiency and avoid resources waste.There are still several deficiencies in the drug patent linkage system established in the new Patent Law,such as unspecified scope of the“relevant patent rights”,controversial“opposition period”and“waiting period”,inadequate exclusivity period system of the first generic drug,and the incomplete compensation mechanism for the effective period of drug patents.In promoting the implementation of the drug patent linkage system,it is recommended to define the scope of patent rights,further improve the disclosure of patent information,standardize the declaration procedures for drug patent declarations,reasonably set the waiting period for chemical drugs,and improve the exclusive period system for the first generic drug.
李晓秋, 余晨. 论新《专利法》中药品专利链接制度的确立及完善[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(1): 131-138.
Li Xiaoqiu, Yu Chen. On the Establishment and Improvement of the Drug Patent Linkage System in the New “Patent Law”. , 2022(1): 131-138.
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