Digital Transformation in China:Development History,Operation Mechanism and Prospect
Chen Tang1, Chen Guang2, Chen Peng yu3
1. School of Economic and Management,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chendu 610031,China; 2. School of Public Affairs and Law,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chendu 610031,China; 3. School of Continuing Education,Sichuan Institute of Industrial Science and technology,Deyang 618500,China
Abstract:On the basis of combing the development process of China's digital transformation,it reveals the operating mechanism and enlightenment of digital transformation under the Chinese scenario.The author believes that the development process of China's digital transformation is a development process led by the government and driven by demand and technology.The Petto model of digital transformation operation mechanism is formed by exploring the dimensions of government policy(P),environmental change(E),industry development(T),information technology innovation(T),and organizational change(O)to promote industry development,taking policy leadership as the central axis,and introducing digital information technology to induce organizational change in enterprises and adapt to internal and external environmental changes.The paper can provide a reference for policy formulation of giving full play to government policy guidance,concentrating scientific research to overcome information technology innovations,and using digital information technology to deepen supply-side structural reforms.
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