Abstract:While artificial intelligence(AI)creates huge economic value and widely leads industrial transformation,it also triggers many risks.From the perspective of trust,many risk issues are closely related to technology trust,and technology trust under risk scenarios is more complicated and full of challenges.Based on combing and refining existing technical trust literature,this paper constructs a model of AI technology trust mechanism from four dimensions named as paradigm,active subject,core vision,and regulatory system.The research found the followings.Responsible innovation can provide direction and code of conduct for technology trust in risk scenarios,and become dominant paradigm of technological trust.Technology trust core vision includes technical availability,reliability,comprehensibility,controllability and accountability.Technological trust requires the participation of national governments,industry organizations,enterprises,academia,and the public.The risk prevention and control system guaranteed by law and the social norm system oriented by ethics have become the two pillars of the technology trust regulatory system.The operation of the technology trust mechanism can be summarized as follows.Under the guidance of the responsible innovation paradigm,the active entities shape a trustworthy governance community through diversification and coordination.The core vision is connected to each other to form a safe and responsible technical system.The regulatory system provides rigid and flexible environmental protection through integration with each other.
孙丽文, 李少帅. 风险情景下人工智能技术信任机制建构与解析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(1): 150-160.
Sun Liwen, Li Shaoshuai. Construction and Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Technology Trust Mechanism Under Risk Scenarios. , 2022(1): 150-160.
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