Abstract:As a tool to improve public responsibility and improve government performance governance,government performance management is widely used in different countries and regions around the world.The era of big data has provided tools and thinking for government performance management innovation,and has attracted more and more attention from scholars.In order to better understand the current status of government performance management research in the era of big data and to further promote theoretical dialogue,this article systematically combs the relevant literature from the three dimensions of data status,practical exploration and research topics.The research found that data,as a resource linking performance management and governance elements,provides data,technology and thinking innovation for government performance management.It has achieved good results in public service and social governance practices,but there are also many problems,such as data island,inadequate collection and use of performance information and so on.The theoretical research focuses on the government performance data,evaluation and digital transformation of performance management,and further expands the research vision.However,existing research has some shortcomings in theoretical discussion and research level.In the future,it is necessary to microscopically explore the factors that affect data in government performance management,and systematically explore the coordination relationship between performance information,performance evaluation and digital transformation.At the same time,it is necessary to introduce a public value perspective to balance technical rationality and value rationality.
吴振其, 郭诚诚. 大数据时代政府绩效管理述评:实践、议题与展望[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(1): 172-179.
Wu Zhenqi, Guo Chengcheng. Review on Government Performance Management in the Big Data Era:Practice,Issues and Prospects. , 2022(1): 172-179.
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