The Integration Path of Enterprise Network and Digital Economy Under the Background of Big Data
Sun Guoqiang1, Hu Xiaoyu2, Qiu Yuxia2
1. Research Center of Organization Innovation and Network Governance,Shanxi University of Finance and Economics,Taiyuan 030006,China; 2. School of Management Science and Engineering,Shanxi University of Finance and Economics,Taiyuan 030006,China
Abstract:Digital economy accelerates the digital transformation of enterprises under the background of big data and then promotes the integration of enterprise network and digital economy.This article takes enterprise networks in different development stages of the digital economy as the object and constructs a structural equation model based on the partial least square method.The questionnaire data of 315 enterprises in different stages of digital transformation are verified and the integration path of “digital enablement-network capability and network power-cooperation behavior between enterprises”is explored.The results indicate that digital empowerment deepens cooperation behavior between enterprises and enterprises' network power and network capability also significantly improve to further promote cooperation behavior between enterprises with deepening of the empowerment.Meanwhile,network power and network capability partially mediate between digital empowerment and cooperation behavior.This article explores the integration path of enterprise network and digital economy and deepens the research on the mechanism of cooperation behavior among digitalized enabling enterprises to provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for the deep integration of enterprise network and digital economy.
孙国强, 胡小雨, 邱玉霞. 大数据背景下企业网络与数字经济融合路径研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(2): 95-104.
Sun Guoqiang, Hu Xiaoyu, Qiu Yuxia. The Integration Path of Enterprise Network and Digital Economy Under the Background of Big Data. , 2022(2): 95-104.
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