Multi-Dimensional Evaluation on Technology Diffusion Paths of High Value Patents in China
Yin Conghui1, Ren Shengce2, Jiang Yichen3,4
1. School of Economics and Management,Shanghai Maritime University,Shanghai 201316,China; 2. Shanghai International College of Intellectual Property,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China; 3. Zhejiang Institute of Scientificand Technological Information,Hangzhou 310006,China; 4. Zhijiangnan Think Tank,Hangzhou 310006,China
Abstract:The effective diffusion of high value patents is the key link and important way to develop market value of patents.Insight into technology diffusion paths will be of great benefit for enterprises to develop patent strategies and to national technological innovation development.Based on the data of China Patent Golden Award,this paper constructs a framework of diffusion type-diffusion path and explores the diffusion paths and characteristics of high value patents from active diffusion dimension and non-active diffusion dimension,and aims to find the problems and possible risks in the process of technology diffusion and provide a reference for further promoting the diffusion of high-value patents.As for the risks and problems in the process of the diffusion of high-value patent in China,countermeasures and Suggestions are put forward.
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