Does the Investment of Public Research Funds Promote the Efficiency of Research Innovation
Fu Yumei1, Zhang Liping2
1. School of Business,Shantou University,Shantou 515063,China; 2. School of Accounting, Hebei University of Economics and Business,Shijiazhuang 050061,China
Abstract:Based on the input and output data of financial scientific research funds in 31 provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions from 2003 to 2018,the utilization efficiency of the government's scientific research funds was explored.The results show that,on the whole,the financial research funds of each region have a certain promoting effect on the output of scientific research results (hereinafter referred to as ‘fund promoting innovation effect’),human capital and international exchanges strengthen the fund promoting innovation effect;Compared with the eastern region,the innovation promotion effect of financial research funds is more significant in the non-eastern region,and the human capital and horizontal projects strengthen the innovation promotion effect of financial research funds.The research conclusion of this paper not only provides some theoretical support for the innovation promotion effect of financial research funds in China,but also provides corresponding policy enlightenment for each region on how to improve the use efficiency of financial research funds.
付玉梅, 张丽平. 财政性科研经费投入能否促进科研创新效率[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(3): 9-16.
Fu Yumei, Zhang Liping. Does the Investment of Public Research Funds Promote the Efficiency of Research Innovation. , 2022(3): 9-16.
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