Theory,Reflection and Reconstruction of the Evaluation of Scientific Research Talents in Universities ——Based on the Perspective of Instrumental Rationality and Dialogue Rationality
Yuan Jingdi
Institute of Educational Science,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China
Abstract:The evaluation of scientific research talents in universities is related to the national scientific research innovation and technological development.In theory,the evaluation of scientific research talents in universities has dual connotations of instrumental rationality and dialogue rationality,and dialogue rationality,as the basis of the evaluation of scientific research talents in universities,should precede instrumental rationality.In reality,there are structural contradictions in the evaluation of scientific research talents in Chinese universities,such as tool rationality overstepping and dialogue rationality declining.The root cause lies in the fact that the system integration under the separation of time and space has intensified the expansion of instrumental rationality,behavioral conventions have led to the lack of discourse awareness of the evaluable,and the evaluation structure based on “performance”logic has consolidated the “evaluator center”based on instrumental rationality.The structural principle of “external evaluation as the main”and “as the center of evaluation”.To reconstruct the evaluation mechanism of scientific research talents in universities,it is necessary to construct an evaluation understanding paradigm based on dialogue and negotiation,promote the redistribution of the rights of multiple evaluation subjects,and promote the reproduction of evaluation norms.
袁景蒂. 高校科研人才评价理论·反思·重构——基于工具理性与对话理性的视角[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(3): 25-32.
Yuan Jingdi. Theory,Reflection and Reconstruction of the Evaluation of Scientific Research Talents in Universities ——Based on the Perspective of Instrumental Rationality and Dialogue Rationality. , 2022(3): 25-32.
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