Abstract:Digital service trade is a key area in the negotiation of international digital trade rules.However,the zero-sum game idea of various countries is serious,and the establishment of a large number of trade barriers hinders the liberalization of digital service trade.Through the characterization of data,we find that digital service trade exports are developing rapidly but the market concentration is relatively high.A few developed countries control most of the market share,and there is still a large gap in the total export volume between countries.By using the theoretical model,we find that between countries taking barriers can help protect domestic trade,but it reduces exports and the country's total benefits.The same group behavior was further introduced into the field of international competition.Based on the cross-border panel empirical study of 171 countries from 2005 to 2019,we find that the behavior of digital service trade barriers among countries had a group effect,and the results of the full-sample estimation showed that the digital service trade barriers and their same group behaviors will have a reverse inhibitory effect on exports,but the heterogeneity test shows that the same group behaviors in OCED countries and high-income countries can promote digital service trade exports.
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