Abstract:Realizing breakthrough technological innovation through reverse R&D outsourcing has become an active strategic choice for China's equipment manufacturing industry to realize transformation and upgrading.Using the method of multi-case analysis,this paper clarifies the impact mechanism of the interaction between the enterprise's own knowledge structure and organizational learning mode on breakthrough technological innovation at different stages of embedding and evolution of local/international dual innovation networks in the process of reverse R&D outsourcing,and constructs the corresponding theoretical model.On this basis,fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA)is used to reveal the multiple causal paths for equipment manufacturing enterprises to realize breakthrough technological innovation in the process of reverse R&D outsourcing.The study found that in the initial stage of the local innovation network embeddedness and the initial and advanced stages of the international innovation network embeddedness,the breadth and depth of the enterprise knowledge and the exploratory learning and the exploitation learning constitute the conditional configuration of the breakthrough technological innovation.In the advanced stage of local innovation network embeddedness,enterprise explorative learning and its knowledge width and depth constitute the conditional configuration of the breakthrough technological innovation.Among them,the knowledge width of enterprises constitutes the core condition of breakthrough technological innovation.
杨瑾, 于妍惠. 基于逆向研发外包的装备制造业突破性技术创新路径研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(3): 82-90.
Yang Jin, Yu Yanhui. Research on Breakthrough Technology Innovation Path of Equipment Manufacturing Industry Based on Reverse R&D Outsourcing. , 2022(3): 82-90.
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