Abstract:Starting from the three major innovation groups of basic research,applied research,and experimental development,as well as the three major innovation bodies of enterprises,R&D institutions,and universities,this paper uses methods including kernel density estimation,Dagum Gini coefficient,and Moran index to analyze the scale and structure of heterogeneous R&D personnel in 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities)during 2010—2019.The results show the followings.①In the past ten years,there has been an inflection point in the direction of changes in the proportion of basic and applied R&D personnel,the trend of imbalance has intensified,and the regional scale difference is much higher than the structural difference.②The distribution of basic research and university R&D personnel shows higher sensitivity to economic factors,and R&D personnel in enterprises and experimental development tend to be clustered in geographical proximity,and this correlation is characterized by a V-shaped trend in time.③Finally,enterprises and experimental development R&D personnel have significantly coordinated in the changes of scale and structure,and the traditional role positioning of the three major innovation bodies is still relatively clear.
王高峰, 杨浩东. 中国异质性R&D人员时空分布差异比对研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(3): 120-129.
Wang Gaofeng, Yang Haodong. A Comparative Study on the Spatial and Temporal Distribution Differences of Chinese Heterogeneous R&D Personnel. , 2022(3): 120-129.
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